While growing, companies of all sizes find themselves walking a path between manual operations and fully-fledged enterprise e-signature and contract filling solutions.
We are happy to announce the latest updates to the Agrello platform, designed to make your contract management experience even more seamless and efficient. Our team has been working hard to bring you new features that will help you save time, stay organized, and maintain the highest level of security. Let's dive into the details of these new updates!
On the Agrello platform, there is a preview functionality that facilitates reviewing the contents of an ASiC container without additional programs on both computers and mobile devices.
Agrello keskkonnas on olemas eelvaate funktsionaalsus, mis hõlbustab ASiC konteineri sisuga tutvumist ilma lisaprogrammideta nii arvutis kui ka mobiilis.
In some business relationships one party may find itself on the receiving end of contracts, without much control over the preparation part. It can be a headache to handle all incoming contracts, thus it's important to have an effective system in place to organise and monitor the process better.