E-signatures for busy people

Southwestern Ventures: Managing employment contracts with Agrello


Southwestern Ventures is a subsidiary of the Southwestern Family of Companies that provides full- and part-time sales, training, and entrepreneurship experiences in Europe. Also active in Europe are Southwestern Advantage, which focuses on sending college students to sell books in the U.S.; Southwestern Consulting, which focuses on professional coaching for salespeople and executives; and Thinking Ahead, which focuses on hiring.

The problem

Most Agrello customers have the same problem - there's a large amount of contracts that need to be prepared and singed and they want to find a way to spend as little time as possible doing it.

The main user of Agrello on the Southwestern Ventures side is Katre Luts, the Project and Finance coordinator. She's the one who prepares the contracts and sends them out to be signed. The types of contracts she deals with are agent contracts, contracts for services and employment contracts, which usually have only two signers. Before Agrello came into play, all contracts were managed in Google Drive or Teams. To collect signatures, Katre had to email each contract individually and wait for a signed copy to be returned. This was too timeconsuming and made them look for another solution.

The solution

Since Southwestern Ventures' main goal was to save time on sending contracts back and forth, they are now handling the entire contract process on Agrello platform. Katre prepares the contract in PDF format, uploads it to the Agrello platform, specifies the signers and sends it out for signing. On their end, the signer is either Katre or a member of the board. The other party can sign the document with Mobile-ID, Smart-ID or Agrello signature. Depending on the contract, Katre also adds viewers to the document - for example, the accountant or any other employee who needs to be informed.

The biggest time saving effect compared to Digidoc comes from the fact that they need to make far fewer clicks to see the contents of the document. Agrello's dashboard view also gives a good overview of the signing status and allows Katre to personally remind people who have not yet signed.

The Agrello user interface is designed for both the web application and the mobile version of the app, making it compatible with both mobile and desktop devices.



Southwestern Ventures has been one of Agrello's longest clients and our collaboration is going great. Katre uses Agrello on a daily basis and based on her experience she has said: "Agrello makes the contract management and signing process much faster and easier".She's also recommended our service to her colleagues and acquaintances. In the future, we've planned to test automation solutions that would make the management of employment contracts even faster.

These companies are already saving hours of work each week

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Harry Käsk

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Got questions?

What is Agrello, and who is it for?
What features does Agrello offer for contract preparation?
How does Agrello simplify the signing process?
How does Agrello support contract management?
What integrations does Agrello offer?
What sets Agrello apart from other contract management tools?
How does Agrello benefit businesses?
What problem does Agrello primarily address?
Who should consider using Agrello?
Does Agrello offer a free trial?
What’s the price?

Let’s find out how to make your e-signing processes faster

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